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Find out more about how CiviCRM is being used in Canada and elsewhere.

CiviCRM 5.28 Release

4 years ago

CiviCRM version 5.28.0 is now out and ready to download. This is a regular monthly release.

Upgrade now for the most stable CiviCRM experience:

Users of the CiviCRM Extended Security Releases (ESR) do not need to upgrade, as there are no ESR-specific bugfixes or security issues at the moment.

Important announcements and reminders:


Probots and GitLab to GitHub Integration: Second phase completion

4 years ago

Hello all, this blog is a continuation of my previous blog. This month we were able to achieve most of our targets with a very healthy community discussion as well. We added more features related to only GitHub code-base and we moved on to GitLab and GitHub Integration as well. Let me explain to you the main features we added during this period in a brief.


IPN Notification URLs are hard; make them easy

4 years 1 month ago

The CiviCRM Easy IPN URL extension is pretty simple. It just adds a new link in CiviCRM's Payment Processor listing that displays the proper notification URL, with a single click. This way you don’t have to piece together a URL on your own or instruct clients on how to formulate such a URL themselves.


Managing Webinars with CiviCRM

4 years 1 month ago

With the new reality of living with Covid-19, it is difficult to host in-person meetings. At Plastic Pollution Coalition, we used to host in-person coalition meetings in several cities as a way for people to learn and network with others in their community. In June, we transitioned to doing webinars.


Come to the Asia/Pacific CiviCRM Monthly Meeting meet-up on 16th July 2020

4 years 1 month ago

This is an open invitation for everyone in the Asia/Pacific region to join other Australians, New Zealanders etc. on-line to catch-up and discuss all things CiviCRM. If you are a CiviCRM user, developer or casual user with questions, then you are most welcome to join us.The meeting is only 1 hour and has a set agenda (depending on number of people attending this may be shortened).


Call Next Dashlet extension allows for easier phone banking

4 years 1 month ago

As part of a wider range of improvements funded by the Libertarian Party, the call next dashlet (CND) is now public. The CND extension was created to get volunteers calling people immediately, with little to no training. It doesn't require assigning the call to anyone either. For volunteer organizations, a constant challenge is assigned the 'right' number of calls to a volunteer. It is hard to know.


GSoC Project: Outlook365 Extension

4 years 1 month ago

Wrapping up the first phase of GSoC, I am summarizing work done in the past one month. I have been working on the Outlook365 extension, initially developed by Jaap. Outlook365 enables users to query CiviCRM as an address book when using either Microsoft Outlook 365 Web and Desktop clients.


CiviCRM 5.27 Release

4 years 1 month ago

CiviCRM version 5.27.0 is now out and ready to download. This is a regular monthly release. It is also a new CiviCRM Extended Security Releases (ESR), which will have support for security updates for the next six months.

Upgrade now for the most stable CiviCRM experience:

Important announcements and reminders:


Probots and GitLab to GitHub Integration: First Phase completion

4 years 1 month ago

Hello all, This blog is in continuation to my previous blog where I explained my project aims and how I plan to proceed towards each task. After 1 month of my project, I felt it would be great to summarise the tasks I have completed and what I plan to do within the next month.


GSoC 2020: CiviCRM Mail Merge in LibreOffice

4 years 2 months ago

Hi everyone! Thank you for visiting the blog post. I’m Asha Sulaiman from Sri Lanka. I’m a final year undergraduate at University of Moratuwa following the Information Technology and Management degree programme. Currently I’m a student developer at CiviCRM working on the project integrating CiviCRM with LibreOffice in order to perform the mail merge operation.


Membership Extras 2.1 Release

4 years 2 months ago

Hey y’all,

A little bit more news from the Compucorp team and we are super excited to announce the latest release of the Membership Extras extension (that’s v2.1 for those who are counting!).

5 hours 36 minutes ago
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