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CiviCRM 5.23.2 Release

4 years 5 months ago
CiviCRM 5.23.2 Release dev-team Fri, 03/13/2020 - 06:49

CiviCRM version 5.23.2 is now out and ready to download.

This is a minor bugfix release that addresses important issues for WordPress and Joomla! users.

Upgrade now for the most stable CiviCRM experience:

Users of the CiviCRM Extended Security Releases (ESR) do not need to upgrade, as there are no ESR-specific bugfixes or security issues at the moment.

What's new in CiviCRM 5.23.2 What's new in CiviCRM 5.23.1 Reminder: PHP 7.0 will be retired in CiviCRM 5.25

As of CiviCRM 5.25, which will be released on 2020-05-06, the minimum supported version will be PHP 7.1. The recommended PHP version is PHP 7.3.

Extended Security Releases will support PHP 7.0 until the end of life of CiviCRM 5.21 (the next ESR is 5.27, to be released on 2020-07-01).

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Filed under Release

CiviCRM 5.23.2 Release

4 years 5 months ago

CiviCRM version 5.23.2 is now out and ready to download.

This is a minor bugfix release that addresses important issues for WordPress and Joomla! users. Many thanks to the people who have reported the issues and have helped resolve them.

Upgrade now for the most stable CiviCRM experience:


CiviMobile Push Notifications make you wonder, don’t they?

4 years 5 months ago
CiviMobile Push Notifications make you wonder, don’t they? skornien Thu, 03/12/2020 - 08:01

Opt in or out? Just when you thought that sending a push message is as easy as it gets, CiviMobile 5.0 rolls out featuring the looked-for Push Notification functionality.

Possibly you expected a complete no-brainer with short steps: check the box on the setting page of your CRM or get users to give permission for receiving notifications. However, the reality is more complicated: instead you don’t get to check the box for CiviMobile push notifications, so much more than that, you are asked to register at, leave information about your CiviCRM server, generate server key and use it to enable push messages for CiviMobile app.

Right, such activation process may raise eyebrows and definitely questions. And this article intents to clarify the nature of the process.

Why bother at all?

Push notifications are one of those few unique communication channels that give CiviMobile users peace of mind that the most up-to-date and relevant information reaches them timely. When new tasks are assigned, cases created, activities edited, new event registration added, etc. CiviMobile will instantly “push” alerts with notifications. Upon tapping the notification, the user will be taken directly to the corresponding activity or object in the app. Besides, push messages pop up on the user’s mobile device even when the app is not running. Accordingly, no relevant updates in CiviCRM will escape your notice.

How does it work?

Can’t CiviMobile users just give permission for CiviMobile app to receive notifications pushed by CiviCRM server? Actually, they should but it won’t be enough to activate push notifications, but could be enough to open security loopholes. Let’s just think it through to cut to the bottom-line.

Even though mobile app technologies are developing at a fast speed with new trends emerging on a regular basis, one fact still holds true: mobile apps do not generate notifications themselves (especially when not active) – an external server is required to “push” a message to the app on your mobile device, while mobile phones still won’t receive those messages without a push notification channel to the server.

The diagram below demonstrates how CiviMobile push notifications work in action.

1) When user clicks Allow button to receive mobile push notifications, the application registers at the Apple APN or Google GCM service by sending device ID and app ID.

2) If the registration is successful, Apple APNs or Google GCM service returns a token to application on the device.

3) This token and user ID are transmitted to the client’s CiviCRM server. The server stores user ID with token in its database.

Recurrent processes:

a) The moment a certain activity occurs on CiviCRM website, i.e new tasks assigned, relationships edited, event registration created, etc., CiviCRM server retrieves the token of a particular user and transmits client’s CiviCRM server key (generated on + message + user token to proxy server.

b) Proxy server validates whether this particular client is entitled to send a notification. If yes, then whether its key matches IP. If match is confirmed, the notification with our key is sent to Firebase (FCM) that further forwards it to Apple APN or Google GCM.

c) Mobile phones interact with Apple APN or Google GCM services and display push notifications.

Why register?

CiviMobile app server, as any other app server, must be registered with a Push Notification Service Provider and issued with server key. Here comes a snag. There can be one and only one server using that key for Apple APN or Google GCM services. Yet there are numerous CiviCRM servers worldwide which work with CiviMobile app. The key has been generated by CiviMobile development team and therefore can’t be generated for each and every client.

We found the solution by setting up a proxy server. Once registered at you’ll easily generate server key for your CiviCRM. When CiviCRM server transmits a message with CiviCRM server key, proxy server verifies and replaces it with its own key.

This ensures that notifications your CiviCRM server sends will be received by those users of CiviMobile app those notifications were meant for. Besides, this adds to more secure operations.

How are CiviMobile Push Notifications activated?

Our team made the activation process smooth and simple. In order to use push notifications, you have to register at civimobile. org and copy a server key that identifies your CiviCRM. You may also generate unique keys for as many CiviCRM servers as you currently operate by clicking Add New button. Finally enter server key on CiviMobileAPI Setting Page of your CiviCRM.

With these quick steps CiviMobile Push Notification functionality gets activated. Quite a shortcut towards a simple, effective and secure way to engage with organization’s constituents.

Filed under CiviMobile

Make It Happen: Accept bank account payments via Stripe

4 years 5 months ago
Make It Happen: Accept bank account payments via Stripe LisaJervis Tue, 03/10/2020 - 13:35 Calling all users of the Stripe Payment Processor! Do you use the Stripe Payment Processor? Do you want to offer your donors the option to give directly from their bank account? Please join 9to5 and MJW Consulting to make it happen! What will this new development do? Additions to the Stripe Payment Processor extension will add the capability to process ACH transfers from your Civi donation pages using Stripe. This will allow donors to choose a new payment method--their bank account--in addition to existing credit card options. (ACH stands for Automated Clearing House, and an ACH transfer is a type of electronic funds transfer (EFT). ACH processing is available to U.S.-based Stripe customers.) How much will this cost? The cost of development is $2500. 9to5 has seeded the MIH with a $500 contribution.   We are confident that there are many organizations in the Civi community who want to offer their community the option to donate from a bank account. Are you one of them? Contribute today to our Make It Happen campaign! CiviContribute Extensions Make it happen

CiviCRM 5.23 Release

4 years 5 months ago

CiviCRM version 5.23.0 is now out and ready to download.

This is a regular monthly release.

Upgrade now for the most stable CiviCRM experience:


How I encouraged my clients to attend CiviCamp Birmingham

4 years 6 months ago

I've been providing CiviCRM services to clients for nearly 10 years but they've never come to an event. So I CiviMail'ed them the following to explain why I thought they should come. One client thought the way I'd explained things was "so useful it should be on the web", so I'm posting it here.


How I encouraged my clients to attend CiviCamp Birmingham

4 years 6 months ago

I've been providing CiviCRM services to clients for nearly 10 years but they've never come to an event. So I CiviMail'ed them the following to explain why I thought they should come. One client thought the way I'd explained things was "so useful it should be on the web", so I'm posting it here


Dear {contact.first_name},

There's a CiviCRM training/mini-conference event in Birmingham on 3 March - please consider coming to it. Please invite other colleague(s) as appropriate.


Nominations are open!

4 years 6 months ago

In late 2018, the Establishment Team was set-up to help identify the role and processes for a newly-elected team to represent the CiviCRM community. The outcomes were reported in mid-2019 but implementation was paused in the lead-up to the Community Summit in October.


Election time!

4 years 6 months ago

We are about to start the election process for the Community Council of CiviCRM and we would like to invite you to register as a voter or nominate yourself as a candidate.

The Community Council of CiviCRM has been tasked at the Barcelona Civi Summit:

2 hours 7 minutes ago
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